Author Guidelines



In the articles to be sent to our journal, the sample article template, which you can access from this link, should be used. Page structure, table, graphic figure, etc. to be used in the preparation of the article text. The information about it is also included in the sample article template.


Articles to be sent to the journal must comply with the rules stated below;


1. Articles should be written in Microsoft Word. Page structure features: Cambria, Page margins 3 cm from all sides, 11 pt, justified, line spacing 1.15, indent 1 cm in paragraphs, “6 nk” spacing before paragraphs.

2. Titles, including the introduction and conclusion sections, should be numbered, written in bold and capital letters. 1 line space must be left before the headings.

3. In-text citation system should be used. Detailed information on in-text citation rules is available at the end of this document. The 6th edition of APA (American Psychological Association), which is the method of referencing the text, should be used for referencing in both the citations and the bibliography part.

4. The article should have Turkish and English abstracts. Information about the purpose, scope, method and results should be given in the summary. It should consist of at least 100 and at most 150 words and should be written in 10 font size in a single line spacing.

5. Equations should not be in picture format and should be written centered on the page. The numbers of the equations should be written in parentheses and justified to the right.

6. Tables should be prepared as shown in the sample article template, using 10 font size and single line spacing. The title of the table and its source, if any, should be written in the table. The names of figures and graphics should be written bottom and center.

7. The article should contain at least three JEL codes ( and Turkish and English keywords.
8. The ORCID number must be included in the author information. In addition, the title, institution, e-mail and country information of the authors should be written.
9. In the writing of bibliography, 10 pt, single line spacing, “6 nk” space between paragraphs should be left. References should be listed alphabetically by the authors’ surname. A source that is not cited in the text should not be included in the bibliography. Detailed information on how to prepare the bibliography according to the type of resource is available at the end of this document.
10. The forms below should be sent along with the article file /you can download it from the Forms page/.
(1) Article Cover Page
(2) Ethics Committee Permission, if ethics committee approval is required, and for studies that do not require ethics committee approval, Declaration Form Stating No Need for Ethics Committee Permission.
(3) Author Contribution and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form

11. When uploading the article to the Dergipark system; similarity report should also be attached. The articles exceeded 20% similarity will not proceed to the evaluation process. When uploading the similarity report, select the Similarity Report from the additional documents. The filtering options in the iThenticate program should be set as follows:

– Bibliography excluded

– Quotes excluded (Quotes excluded)

– Except for parts of text with less than 5 words overlap (Limit match size to 5 words)

12. The research and publication ethics statement, the researchers’ contribution rate statement and the conflict of interest statement shall be included at the end of the conclusion section. Information on how to write down these statements can be obtained from the sample article template.


13. Research and publication ethics should be followed in articles. Whether ethical committee approval and/or legal/special permission is required shall be stated in the research and publication ethics statement. In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) shall be included in the method section and in the Research and Publication Ethics Statement.


Researches requiring the approval of the Ethics Committee are as follows:

All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require the collection of data from the participants using questionnaire, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques, the use of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes, clinical trials on humans research, research on animals, retrospective studies in accordance with the law on protection of personal data. Also; In case presentations, it should be stated that the “informed consent form” was obtained. Permission should be obtained from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others, and copyright regulations were complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.


The 6th edition of APA (American Psychological Association), which is the method of referencing the text, should be used for referencing in both the citations and the bibliography part.



In citations to be made in the text,

In studies with one or two authors: (Yılmaz, İnan and Kurtiz, 2008: 16)

In studies with three or more authors: (Eren et al. 2003: 117)

Studies of the same year belonging to the author(s): (Aslan, 2007a: 58) (Aslan, 2007b: 168)

Abbreviations: When citing (BDDK, 2017: 26). It is given in parentheses in the text, for example, Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA). For subsequent uses, only abbreviations are used.





Fama, E. F. (1980). Agency problems and the theory of the firm. Journal of Political Economy, 88 (2): 288-307.



Acemoglu, D. and Robinson, J. A. (2012). Why nations fail: Origins of power, poverty and prosperity. London: Profile


Chapter in a Book:

Paradi, J. C., Yang, Z., & Zhu, H. (2011). Assessing bank and bank branch performance. In W. W. Cooper, L. M. Seiford and J. Zhu (Eds.), Handbook on data envelopment analysis (pp. 315-361). Boston: Springer.


Translated Book:

Bahtin, M. M. (2004). Problems of Dostoyevsky poetics (Trans., C. Soydemir) Istanbul: Metis.


Papers (If Published in Book Format):

Koy, A. (2014). Do credit default swaps lead the eurobond market? H. Aygören, H. Özkaya and U. Uyar (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 18th Finance Symposium (pp. 595-603). Paper presented at the 18th Finance Symposium, Denizli: Gulit Offset


Papers (If Not Published in Book Format):

Bland, A. (2017). The implementation of a junior Samoan language program in a South Island, New Zealand secondary school context. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference. Canberra, Australia. Retrieved from


Working Paper, Discussion Paper:

Bolton, P., Chen, H. and Wang, N. (2011). Market timing, investment, and risk management (NBER Working Paper No. 16808). Retrieved from


Unpublished Thesis:

Mitra-Kahn, B. H. (2011). Redefining the economy: How the ‘economy ‘was invented 1620 (Unpublished doctoral thesis). City University London, United Kingdom.


Online First Publication

Buyukkara, G., Kucukomen, C. C. and Uysal, E. T. (2021). Optimal hedge ratios and hedging effectiveness: An analysis of the Turkish futures market. Borsa Istanbul Review, Online first publication.



Özçam, M. (1998). Preliminary evaluations for the development of business ethics rules in Turkish capital markets (CMB Research Department Research Report No. 6 / 1-189 / 2). Access address:



Yeldan, E. (2018). Robots, the changing nature of the workforce and knowledge capital. Access address:


Data set:

Pew Hispanic Center. (2008). 2007 Hispanic Healthcare Survey [Dataset]. Retrieved from